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4 Reasons You’re Not Getting Found Online - And How to Fix It

June 28, 2019
4 Reasons You’re Not Getting Found Online - And How to Fix It

A company's website should get the phone ringing, the inbox filling up with inquiries, and customers through the door.

Having a website that fails to bring in new customers is incredibly frustrating, especially if you've invested your hard-earned money in promoting it.

Maybe your site isn't getting many visitors right now. Maybe it is getting traffic - but the phone still isn't ringing.

There are a number of reasons that a website doesn’t appear high on Google’s search results. There can also be a lot of reasons why the people that do find your website don’t contact you afterward.

In our 30 years of helping people attract the right kind of customers for their company, we’ve seen the same problems appear again and again. So, here is our guide to the four reasons you’re not getting found online – and the solutions to fix them.

Why aren’t people visiting my website?

This is one of the most common questions we hear from people that come to us for help.

There are many, many layers to this question, but the answer usually comes down to one reason: you’re not appearing on the first page of search engine results.

In order to get people on to your website, you need to be ranking on the first page of Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Think about the last time you searched for something online – did you click on the first result that came up, or did you scroll to the tenth page of results and find the solution to your question there? People are busy and modern life is demanding and hectic. Your potential customers want a quick, easy answer from Google so they can move onto the next to-do task in their day.  

To see if this is the reason people aren’t clicking onto your site, try Googling your most popular services or products. Do you show up on the first page? If you don’t, try adding your location to the phrase you’re searching for. Still nothing? You’ve found your problem.

If you’re already appearing in the top 10 results for your industry and area, you might have a conversion problem. Stick with us, we’ll cover how to solve conversion problems after we’ve addressed search engine ranking issues.  

4 reasons your website won’t rank on Google

  1. Your website is brand new
  2. Your website is poorly set up
  3. You’re not updating your website
  4. Your website is not optimized technically and/or for the people searching

Don’t worry - there is hope for your online presence - each of these issues have their own solution. 

4 Reasons You’re Not Getting Found Online - And How to Fix It

How to rank on Google

Ranking on Google doesn’t happen overnight – but there are so many ways you can help speed up the process, attract customers, and outrank your competitors on the search engines.

Improvements made to your website to help it rank on the search engines are classed under an umbrella term: SEO.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It covers a wide variety of techniques and tactics, including:

  1. Optimizing the backend of your website to be technically sound and search engine friendly
  2. Writing original, user friendly, engaging, informative and persuasive text that makes good, natural use of search keywords and key phrases
  3. Using high quality imagery and videos with alt-tags
  4. Getting well-respected websites in your industry to recommend and link to your website
  5. Having descriptive, unique meta titles and descriptions for every page on your site (these are what Google displays as the result listings for your website)
  6. Updating your website on a regular basis with fresh, custom content

Keep in mind that good SEO can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months of ongoing work before you start seeing results. This introduction to SEO from Google is helpful to anyone that’s new to the concept.

To understand SEO, you need to consider Google’s reason for existing in the first place. Google's job is to provide users with the best, most relevant content - or people simply won't use them anymore.

To rank on Google for the phrases your target audience are searching for, you need to serve the purpose of the people who you want to attract. Useful, helpful content should be your number one priority.

But what if you’re not sure what your target audience is searching for? You need to get your strategy sorted before implementing anything. To understand what your customers are looking for, you need to know who they are, what struggles they face and what they want.

A solid strategy is essential. When you know your users, you know what they are searching for. Once they find your website, you can connect with them. When you connect with them, you can sell to them.

This brings us back to our earlier point of conversion problems.

What is a conversion? What’s a conversion problem?

A conversion is when your website’s visitor completes a desired task – like filling in a contact form or completing a purchase.

A conversion problem is when you manage to get visitors to your website, but they don’t complete the task you want them to. So, if you’re trying to sell online, you might be getting thousands of visitors onto your site, but no one’s buying. That’s a conversion problem.

To avoid losing out on sales or inquiries, you need to ensure you’ve implemented all 6 of the above SEO techniques, but also that you’re attracting the right audience for your company. This depends solely on a solid online strategy, based on thorough research into your target customer.

If you really want to dig down deeper, discover what your target audience is searching for and how you can deliver it - download our free workbook: 7 Steps to Knowing Your Customer Better.

Once you understand the who, what and why of your customers, you can deliver what they’re looking for on your website – and rank higher on Google as a result.

Want to talk more about how we can help you? Click the button below to book a time to talk with us, or give us a call at 916.608.8913

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